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Avalanche Forecast for 2020-11-29 16:00

  • Issued by Ryan Sorenson - Mount Shasta Avalanche Center

Winter is right around the corner! The Mount Shasta Avalanche Center will begin issuing daily Avalanche Forcasts this Tuesday, December 1st.  Now's the time to start dusting off your avalanche rescue skills and thinking about avalanche safety. 

Early season conditions exist with a shallow snowpack and many obstacles. Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! We'll see you in December. 

No current avalanche forecast is available

No current avalanche forecast is available

No current avalanche forecast is available

Weather and Current Conditions

Weather Summary

Please check our weather tab at the top of the page for our remote weather station information, NWS Forecast Discussion, NWS Recreational Forecast, and point forecasts.

ALWAYS check the weather before you attempt to climb or recreate on Mount Shasta. Continue to monitor the weather as you climb. Becoming caught on the mountain in any type of weather can compromise life and limb. Please be prepared.

24 Hour Weather Station Data @

Weather Station Temp (°F) Wind (mi/hr) Snow (in) Comments
Cur Min Max Avg Avg Max Gust Dir Depth New Water Equivalent Settlement
Mt. Shasta City (3540 ft) 53 25 53 35 1 N
Sand Flat (6750 ft) 44 28 49 34
Ski Bowl (7600 ft)
Gray Butte (8000 ft) 43 35 43.5 39 7 37 E
Castle Lake (5870 ft)
Mount Eddy (6509 ft) 43 35.5 46.5 42.5 1 4 S 11.4 0 0
Ash Creek Bowl (7250 ft)
Ash Creek Ridge (7895 ft)

Season Precipitation for Mount Shasta City

Period Measured (in) Normal (in) Percent of Normal (%)
From Oct 1, 2024 (the wet season) 1.70 6.94 24
Month to Date (since Mar 1, 2025) 1.69 4.66 36
Year to Date (since Jan 1, 2025) 14.61 34.94 42


This advisory does not apply to Ski Areas or Highways and is for the Mt. Shasta, Castle Lake and Mt. Eddy back country. Use this information for guidance only. You may find different conditions in the back country and should travel accordingly. This advisory expires on midnight of the date it was posted unless otherwise noted.