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Clear Creek Route Update

General Conditions
On 20 April we were able to get one of our 4x4 trucks to w/in 3.5 miles of the Clear Creek Trailhead at 9:30am. We started up Widow Springs from there at 1000am and headed to the intersection of of Widow Springs/41N25Y ad Route 21. We made it about a half mile up 41N25Y before we had to put on our snow shoes. There were a few more short sections of dirt, but soon only soft snow and we made it to Clear Creek Trailhead around 1200. The Bathroom is open and stocked with carry out bags, toilet paper, and the Trash Can is also accessible. We continued on to Clear Creek and made camp just above the creek at 5:00pm. There is running water at the creek. Due to a potential medical issue with one of the climbers in our team we decided to not summit at midnight as planned. We broke camp Wed the 21st around 6am and headed out at 8am. The snow was firm and we were able to descend to the trailhead without using our snowshoes but from Clear Creek down we put snow shoes back on. Looking forward to another attempt when Clear Creek is accessible.