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Mt Shasta Trailhead Access Update

Climbing Route(s): Whitney Glacier, Bolam/Whitney Ridge, Bolam Glacier, Hotlum/Bolam Ridge, Hotlum Glacier, Hotlum/Wintun Snowfield, Wintun Glacier, Wintun Ridge, Clear Creek
Trailhead(s): Brewer Creek, Clear Creek, Northgate
Mt. Shasta
Date/Time of Observation: 
Friday, May 3, 2019 - 12:15pm
Climbing Ranger

General Conditions

As of 5.3.19, rangers checked up on all access roads to major trailheads listed below. Northgate has the closest access, followed by Clear Creek and then Brewer. It's going to be a while for Brewer. Mileage reflects road miles to trailheads. Often, these distances can be shortened by a more "as the crow flies" path of travel. Proper navigation tools are important for both ascending and returning to your vehicle should you choose to access any of these trailheads

Northgate (pictured): 1.5 road miles to trailhead. Snow at 6,400 foot elevation. Anything with 4wd clearance will make it .5 miles less (2 miles to TH)

Brewer:  WAY out, a lot of snow still, gonna be a while... 12 road miles to trailhead.

Clear Creek:  4.3 road miles to trailhead


  • Northgate road
  • Northgate snow conditions at 6,400 feet