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South Side Conditions Update

General Conditions
Climbing and riding conditions on the south side of Mount Shasta are shaping up nicely. One can ski/board, snowshoe or snowmobile from Bunny Flat trailhead. This will be the case for some time as the snowpack is deep. The gate is closed at Bunny Flat. Launching a snowmobile from Bunny is possible to access Old Ski Bowl. Here is a map that shows the Mount Shasta wilderness boundaries and areas where snowmobiles and other over-snow vehicles are permitted
The recent storms have been followed by periods of strong winds above treeline. Snow surfaces are relatively smooth with firm chalk like wind pressed snow in the upper elevations and softening melt freeze (corn) snow at lower elevations. Cold temperatures and wind have made for excellent conditions for climbing and crampon use. Very strong winds today kept that majority of climbers below the Red Banks.
All camping on the mountain will still be in the snow. Running water is not available, so bring extra fuel to melt snow. The spring at Horse Camp is NOT running. Horse Camp is buried with only a large drift over the roof showing. Little falling rockfall and rime icefall has been observed but this will become more of an issue as the temperature continues to increase. You can expect this hazard to always be present on Mt Shasta.
Have fun and be safe up there!