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Eastside photos
![Eastside on 12.22.17 Eastside on 12.22.17](
Location Name:
Eastside photosRegion:
East of Mt ShastaDate and time of observation:
Fri, 12/22/2017 - 9:30pmObservation made by:
ForecasterRed Flags:
Location Map
Mount Shasta
, CA
United States
41° 27' 32.6412" N, 122° 2' 39.246" W
See map: Google Maps
California US
Weather Observations
*Gusty winds, 10-20 mph, westerly
*Temps - low 30's F
*Skies obscured
*Light snow flurries on upper mountain??
Cloud Cover:
100% of the sky covered by cloudsBlowing Snow:
NoneAccumulation rate:
NoneAir temperature:
Above FreezingAir temperature trend:
StaticWind Speed:
LightWind Direction:
*1-2 feet HS
*Moist snow surfaces interspersed with old melt/freeze scabs
*Rocks, down trees, small tree tops and shrubs widespread
*No recent avalanches or signs of instability