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Green Butte Ridge to Sargents Ridge

Climbing Route(s): Avalanche Gulch, Sargents Ridge, Green Butte Ridge
Trailhead(s): Bunny Flat
Mt. Shasta
Date/Time of Observation: 
Saturday, April 21, 2018 - 3:00pm
Climbing Ranger

General Conditions

The nearly perfect spring conditions on the mountain brought out the crowds in droves today.  At 0930 the Bunny  Flat parking lot was already full with cars parked a quarter mile down the road. Try to arrive early and park wisely. Leaving the parking lot at 1015 we headed up Broadway opting to gain the ridge to the right of the Horse Camp Trail Jct as there is no longer continuous snow directly up the ridge.  Conditions below treeline were mixed. Soft corn snow in the sun and firm icy snow in the shade.  Above treeline on Broadway to the top of Green Butte there was good smooth corn snow between the time of 1100-1200 ranging from 1.5-0.5 inches of soft snow. At the top of Green Butte we donned our crampons and boot packed through soft snow in a boot track to 11,600' near the top of GB Ridge where it meets Sargents Ridge.  There was harldy any wind encountered until about 10,000' where there was a breeze never topping 10mph. At times, blowing snow was visually observed above the Red Banks. At 1500 we transitioned and dropped into the Gulch to Lake Helen. The snow was very good on this west aspect this late in the day.  Below Helen wasn't bad either until Spring Hill where it became sticky glop. Lots of tracks out there and lots of skiers and climbers. At one point counted 50 folks in the Gulch, GB Ridge and Casaval Ridge.  Happy climbing, skiing and riding! 


  • Approaching top of Green Butte
  • Looking back down the ridge
  • Transition at 11600'
  • Dropping into Gulch