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Northside - Hotlum/Bolam to 11k
General Conditions
20190608 @ 1400 hrs - Sorenson- Mount Shasta, Northside - Hotlum/Bolam to 11k
SKY: Clear
BLOWING SNOW: yes, in isolated, exposed areas above treeline
AIR TEMP: 39 °F @ 8,200 feet 1:00 pm
SURFACE PEN: Boot: 6-12 inches. Punchy breakable crust with boots. Ski pen <1 inch icy in spots.
NOTES: A tour up Hotlum/Bolum ridge found snow diffs and patches of dirt for approximately 1 mile from Northgate trailhead. Please try to stay on the trail as this helps control erosion. Consistent snow can be found above 7,400 feet. Snow surfaced textures varied from a mix of icy sugar like snow to softer melt freeze forms. No running water can be found above treeline at this time.
Patchy snow for the first mile of trail (06.08.2019)
The red arrow shows the easiest way to gain the ridge. This picture is taken from 8,800 feet looking towards the Hotlum/Bolum ridge.
Looking up Hotlum Glacier ~ 10,800 feet.