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Firm, thin snowpack on North Face of Lassen

Location Name:
Lassen PeakDate and time of observation:
Mon, 12/07/2020 - 1:00pmObservation made by:
PublicLocation Map
Mount Shasta
, CA
United States
40° 29' 16.8828" N, 121° 30' 6.7464" W
See map: Google Maps
California US
Weather Observations
Mild temperatures with strong winds blowing from the southeast
Headed to Lassen NP on Monday to check out conditions and see how the snowpack was fairing on north-facing aspects. The road from Manzanita Lake to Emigrant Pass is very icy though still bike-able. Skinning from the pass to the base of the face is straightforward, with soft, sugary snow in the trees and firm, wind-sculpted snow and occasional ice on the slopes above treeline.
More easterly aspects of the face contained large patches of bare ice around 10,000', while more northerly aspects were a mix of firm wind board and small drifts of wind blown snow. Little active transport was observed despite the high winds.
We descended a couloir system on the north face of the east ridge, finding exceptionally firm and smooth snow from ~10,100' to 8,500'. Beneath that point, the snow was more choppy and wind-sculpted until reaching treeline.
Overall, the snowpack is very stable, though quite firm and thin on north-facing aspects.