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Middle Peak, Castle Lake

Location Name:
Castle LakeDate and time of observation:
Sun, 03/28/2021 - 11:00amObservation made by:
ForecasterLocation Map
Weather Observations
Cloud Cover:
NoneAir temperature:
Above FreezingAir temperature trend:
WarmingWind Speed:
LightWind Direction:
Set out to get a look at the cornices along the ridgeline above Heart Lake today. These are large and nothing to mess with on a sunny day. Skinning up Right Peak snow surfaces were already moist and sticky by the 1030 hour. The surfaces are smooth. Breezy westerly winds kept northerly aspects variable. Breakable crusts and smooth softening melt-freeze were the main surface forms seen. No obvious signs of avalanche danger except the cornices were observed.
Observation Location: Castle Lake