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Clear Creek Approach Ski Tour

Climbing Route(s): Wintun Ridge, Clear Creek
Mt. Shasta
Date/Time of Observation: 
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 5:45pm

General Conditions

Skied up to around 9k on lower Wintun Ridge to scope route conditions and road access for Clear Creek..

Road still 3.7 to 4.0 miles out - depending on if you cut switchbacks on the road. Still mostly 1-4' on road, with some bare patches on S-facing sections. If it stays warm might get another mile+ closer in the next week or two.  While the trailhead won't be reachable for a while, the ability to consistently ski (on snow!) from parking to the trailhead will probably be gone within days. Expect a lot of walking and on and off skinning/skiing.

Aside from the ever present (this time of year) "Clear Creek Cornice" which sits in the old roadbed along the edge of Mud Creek Canyon, probably 1-4' of coverage in general along the approach to typical Clear Creek camp.  The cornice formed as always and that long and unique snow deposition feature is still 8-12' deep in places.  Snow coverage diminishes above treeline and with wind exposure.  

Clear Creek route looks like it did in the previous reports, but with the 0.5-1.5' of new the mountain received sitting on top - basically as expected.  The ice patches  recently observed on the Wintun Gl. look covered for now, but are still lurking no doubt. 
