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Northgate TH

General Conditions
Northgate is open and fully stocked with summit passes, wilderness permits, and human waste packout bags. As of May 9th, you can drive to the Trailhead if you have 4WD. If you dont, I would reccomend parking just before the first patch of snow approximatly .5 miles before you reach the Trailhead. A couple of these patches are still deep and a small car could easily still get stuck in them. I anticpate this road being completly snow free in a week or so with the incoming warm temperatures.
Driving on the North side the shinning glacier ice is very noticable from afar. Be prepared with the proper gear if you plan on ascending from this side. From the trailhead, you quicly hit patchy snow on the trail. Continuous snow was found at approximatly 7700 ft.
Before you start your climb, be sure to pick up a summit pass, wilderness permit, and packout bag. Climb safe!