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Hotlum Glacier and Hotlum Bolam Ridge

Climbing Route(s):
Hotlum/Bolam Ridge, Hotlum Glacier
Brewer Creek
Mt. ShastaDate/Time of Observation:
Saturday, June 24, 2023 - 9:15amPosition:
PublicGeneral Conditions
Drove about 2.2 miles from TH (on Sunday vehicles were 1 mile from TH, last mile has A LOT of snow for late June).
Hotlum Glacier has no open crevasses or snowbridges to cross up to 13,000ft. Right Gully is dry. Left Gully is unconsolidated and dry snow, I had to dig about a foot down to get a decent snow picket in on Left Gully and snow got thinner up higher so decided to bail to HB ridge and to the summit. High camp at 10,000ft has water to filter, no need to melt snow.