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Conditions After the Storm

Location Name:
Old Ski Bowl, Gray ButteRegion:
Mt. ShastaDate and time of observation:
Mon, 01/25/2021 - 1:00pmObservation made by:
ForecasterLocation Map
United States
41° 21' 2.4804" N, 122° 11' 32.8272" W
See map: Google Maps
Weather Observations
Cloud Cover:
50% of the sky covered by cloudsBlowing Snow:
SnowAccumulation rate:
Less than 1 in. per hourAir temperature:
Below FreezingAir temperature trend:
WarmingWind Speed:
Conditions after Sunday's storm:
Between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. yesterday, around 8 inches of new snow fell. Temperatures have remained in the teens since. Snow surfaces show little signs of previous wind. No concerning signs of wind slab formation were seen. New snow sits atop 2 inches of slightly denser snow. A thick rain crust below that is sealing off the lower snowpack. The surface snows are light and fist hard. It was possible to feel the icy rain crust while skinning and making deep turns. We were able to start some small point releases on terrain steeper than 40 degrees. Other than that, no signs of avalanches were observed.