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New Snow on Gray Butte

Location Name:
Gray ButteRegion:
Mt. ShastaDate and time of observation:
Sun, 01/06/2019 - 1:11pmObservation made by:
ForecasterRed Flags:
Recent loading by new snow, wind, or rain
Location Map
Mount Shasta
, CA
United States
41° 20' 58.0488" N, 122° 11' 32.73" W
See map: Google Maps
California US
Weather Observations
Snow was falling heavy at times but most of the time stayed around 1 inch per hour rate. Calm NE wind was observed on the skin up, moderate wind was observed on the ridge aproacing Gray Butte summit.
Cloud Cover:
100% of the sky covered by cloudsBlowing Snow:
SnowAccumulation rate:
Greater than 1 in. per hourAir temperature:
Below FreezingAir temperature trend:
StaticWind Speed:
LightWind Direction:
We toured up Gray Butte this afternoon to get some data on the new snow. A pit was dug on NE aspect at 8,600 feet. We recorded 6 inches (15 cm) of new soft snow over 15 inches (40 cm) of slightly denser storm snow.
Stability test result:
ECTN 19 - on old/storm snow interface
CT 12- on density change in storm snow
CT 13 - on old/storm snow interface